Steve Harvey is one of the most notable TV personalities around, but how did he meet the Duke of Radio and comedian, Rickey Smiley?

At some point, we tend to assume most celebrities know each other because either the world is small or Hollywood is, but have you ever stopped to consider how certain celebrities met?

In a “recent” interview with DG Baggs on The Quarantine Chronicles, Rickey Smiley shared the backstory on how he met Steve Harvey. According to Mr. Smiley, when he was 18 years old, he met Steve at a comedy club in Birmingham, Alabama. During their initial meeting, Steve was 29 at the time and performing as a “middle act” for Carrot Top.

When Steve Harvey returned to the club as a headliner, Rickey Smiley was selected as the opening act. On show day, Rickey Smiley came to the show in a brand new, Nike jogging suit.


Harvey is known for his impeccable suits now and that is probably because of the standards he had for his performance wardrobe even back then.

Steve Harvey told Rickey Smiley, “Aye man, I know that’s a brand new jogging suit, but you need to dress nice because people paid to see us perform.” Harvey continued, “What I’m gone do is, I’m gone let you introduce me tonight, but tomorrow, you need to dress nice.”

Rickey Smiley went on stage, and gave Steve a great introduction. When Steve Harvey went on stage, Rickey Smiley jumped in his car, drove home to put on a suit, and came back dressed accordingly before Steve Harvey finished his set.


How is that for dedication?

When given the option to fix it tomorrow, how many people will correct it now?

Watch the video below hear Rickey Smiley share how he met Steve Harvey, Erykah Badu, and more.

How did Rickey Smiley Meet Steve Harvey?

by The Core 94! time to read: 2 min