On Sunday, November 1, 2020, The Core 94! radio station will host the “Men of Gold” Virtual Summit.

This free event will provide an emotional safe haven for men who have had limited support during this traumatic year.

As we’ve all experienced the fears of a global pandemic, heightened racial tensions, and economic instability, many men are in desperate need of someone to ask if they are ok and let them know that it is fine to take a time out.

According to research by Boston University School of Public Heath, suicide ideation has risen, particularly among low-income individuals and people who lost their jobs this year, and one of the strongest predictors of suicide is economic loss and financial insecurity. Let’s change these stats!

The summit will feature exclusive words from Platinum recording artist Trinidad James, inspirational stories from Mike of NTR GLD, and health messages from global specialists.


A drawing will take place for a health package including a 24K Gold Hair & Body Butter from NTR GLD, a copy of “Talk To Yourself” by Robert Harper, II, and a chance to be featured on a Houston billboard as a “Man of Gold.”

Date: Sunday, November 1, 2020, at 6 PM CST

Hosted by media personality, DG Baggs.

To register for this event, visit, menofgold.thecore94.com/.

This event was sponsored by NTR GLD and powered by The Core 94!

“Men of Gold” – Men’s Health Summit

by The Core 94! time to read: 1 min