Watching the countless videos of police brutality against minorities has desensitized me to the point where I eventually stopped looking- so I could be okay. I love to be an ostrich sticking my head in a hole to hide from the evil that powers the world we live in, but this time I couldn’t. Have you ever felt helpless?
On Monday, May 25, 2020, a man was illegally and publicly executed by two police officers in Minnesota. Former officer Chauvin (Murderer 1) used his knee to apply pressure to George “The Gentle Giant” Floyd’s neck, while former officer Chow* (Murderer 2) stood guard as Murderer 1 committed the crime.
In the public video of the execution, the bystanders begged the murderers to remove the pressure from Mr. Floyd’s neck. Floyd repeatedly screamed that he was hurting, and even begged for his mother as he died. As you watch the video you can almost see his soul leave his body.
George Floyd was born in Houston, Texas, just like my son. At 6’6 he is considered a large person, just like me. He’s from the side side of Houston, like most of my family members, and he attended Yates high school, like many of my friends. By the slightest twist of fate – George Floyd could have been my friend, my family, or even me.
People will want to highlight that Mr. George Floyd went to jail for five years. I don’t care. They will bring up his criminal record. So what? I’m concerned about what the murderers did, not the victim.
To every person who watched this video and teared up, stay strong. Don’t let the pain turn you away. Force yourself to take in the face of injustice so we can call it when we see it and find the strength to demand change.
To the family and friends of Mr. George Floyd, I’m sorry that the country that I live in continues to allow these acts. I’m sorry that as a people we haven’t found the power to unify and force a resolution. I’m sorry that we are all in a constant cycle of pain, anger, defeat, and repeat.
If you haven’t been able to bring yourself to watch the video of the unlawful execution of Mr. George Floyd (powered by The United States of America), I understand, but please do. Let’s not turn a blind eye anymore.
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Jew.“